Types of mac and cheese noodles
Types of mac and cheese noodles

Soups: broth consommé bouillon thick soup cream of mushroom/chicken/celery noodle soup fish soup tomato soup cabbage soup beetroot soup pea soup canned soup.

types of mac and cheese noodles

Milk and dairy products: butter cheese cream sour cream yogurt kefir sour milk cottage cheese ice-cream.Ĭourses: a dinner of three courses main course side dish porridge soup stew casserole pasta spaghetti meat rice mashed potatoes French fries vegetables.

types of mac and cheese noodles

Salads: green salad vegetable salad (cucumber salad tomato salad) bound salad (chicken salad Caesar salad Greek salad tuna salad, etc.) fruit salad vinaigrette dressing (mayonnaise, sour cream, oil, sauce).īread: white (wheat) bread rye bread whole wheat bread sliced bread.Įggs:fried eggs scrambled eggs omelette poached eggs bacon and eggs hard-boiled eggs soft-boiled eggs. for breakfast (lunch, etc.) appetizers (hors d’oeuvre) snack course, first (second) course dessert beverage to serve to eat in to eat out.Īppetizers and snacks: salad cheese canapé caviar sushi pickles burger (cheeseburger, hamburger) sandwich bread and butter toast milk toast ham bacon muesli crumpet. Meals and eating:breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper have smth. In Britain there is Stilton and in Denmark there is Danish blue while in France there is Roquefort a soft creamy blue cheese and in Italy there is Dolce latte which is also soft and creamy. Camembert and Brie are two famous soft cheeses while Mozzarella, Mascarpone are best known Italian cheeses. And in Italy there is a cheese which is harder than all the others – Parmesan.

types of mac and cheese noodles

For the South you can find Gruyere, Emmenthal in Switzerland and Manchego in Spain. The first of these is the hard type? For example, in the North Europe Cheddar from Britain and Gouda from Netherlands. There are three main types of cheese in Europe.

Types of mac and cheese noodles